Hands down, it has been my work with Louise that has resulted in my life completely shifting gear into a new path that I couldn't have dreamt up more perfectly. The combination of her dedicated, refined and powerfully targeted work on my inner landscape and thought patterns with real, doable, actions in the outer world have lead to the most amazing shots, including a new work opportunity opening up for me.
Its been absolutely amazing work - and I have Louise to thank for the next exciting chapter of my life.
Gain the edge
Change your mindset and expand your consciousness.
Coaching for professionals who understand that self development is the key to success and happiness.
Cut through mental noise and connect to your innate knowing.
Respond to challenges with faith in yourself and in life.
Operate from a state of inner peace and happiness.

What you believe drives outcomes
If you think that there is not enough time you may feel overwhelmed and procrastinate. If you believe that conflict should be avoided, you’ll have trouble asserting yourself or establishing boundaries.
Once you see that your old stories are not the truth, radical change is possible.
Mindset is the source and solution to your problems.
Louise Leecy, Founder - Mind&Co
Transformational & Mindset Coach
Find out more about Louise’s background Law, Executive Search and Alternative Healing

We cannot
solve our problems
with the same level
of thinking
which created them.
-Albert Einstein

Develop a powerful
new mindset
Achieve a breakthrough
Expand your awareness. Uncover the limiting beliefs which are preventing you from achieving success and happiness
Shift your perception
As is your perception so is your reality. Make empowering new decisions and watch your external reality transform
Change your brain
Neurons that fire together wire together. Use meditation and rituals designed to release old emotions and rewire your brain

Career Development
Do you want to change career or find a new job?
Uncover a career path which suits your values, skills and interests
Eliminate the thinking which is holding you back
Practical guidance and support to reach your goal
Business Coaching
Are you reaching your highest potential in your business?
Discover how you are sabotaging your own success
Uncover the steps needed to move forward in a powerful way
Soundboard for ideas and an accountability partner
Living Well
Are you stressed, restless or unhappy even though you have material success?
Understand yourself better through the Enneagram of Personality
Drop negative patterns and improve your relationship to self and others
Live with purpose, peace and power
Why Mindset Matters
Your brain is a goal-achieving machine - it operates to bring what you think about reality into being.
As is your perception so is your reality-your perception of a situation generates how you feel, the actions you take and the results you achieve in your life.
How you think affects your health and wellbeing - your mindset determines whether you live in anxiety, frustration and overwhelm or clarity, confidence and calm.
Facts About Thinking
Louise works with a limited number of professionals and entrepreneurs who understand that inner development is essential to self-optimisation, success and happiness.