Why is Imposter Syndrome Hard to Shake?
Books to Inspire
- The Surrender Experiment, Michael Singer
- Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda
- How to Change your Mind by Michael Pollan
- Mind to Matter by Dawson Church
- Waking Up by Sam Harris
- Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler & Jamie Wheal
- Awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das
- A Mind at Home with Itself, Byron Katie
Books for Self Awareness & Growth
- Loving What Is, Byron Katie
- I Need Your Love, Is That True? Byron Katie
- Radical Forgiveness, Colin Tipping
- MIndhack, David Bayer
- A New Earth, Eckart Tolle
- Inner Work, Robert Johnston
- An Untethered Soul, Michael Singer
- Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza
- Tell Yourself a Better Lie by Marisa Peer
Books to Create Powerfully
- Ask And It is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- The Vortex by Esther & Jerry Hicks
- The Power of Decision by Raymond Charles Barker
- The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles
- As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
- You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
- You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
- Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn
- Becoming Supernatural by Dr Joe Dispenza
- The Life Visioning Process by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckworth
Enneagram Resources
- Enneagram Structures: Self Analysis for the Seeker by Claudio Naranjo
- The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self Knowledge by Beatrice Chestnut
- Enneagram Essentials by David Daniels
- From Fixation to Freedom By Eli Jaxon-Bear
- The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Riso and Russ Hudson
- The Spiritual Dimension of theEnneagram by Sandra Maitri
- Facets of Unity by A.H. Almaas
- Keys to the Enneagram by A.H. Almas
Audio Content
- he Huberman Lab - science and self optimisation
- The Breathing Room App - powerful meditations from India
- Slo Mo Podcast - great interviews with experts on de-stressing and personal development
- Making Sense with Sam Harris - interviews with interesting guests
- Waking Up with Sam Harris - mindfulness and meditation app
- Think & Grow Education - excellent solfeggio frequency meditations
- Buddha at the Gas Pump - interviews with spiritually awakening people
- Impact Theory, Tom Bilyeu - great interviews on AI, personal development, entrepreneurship