The Enneagram of Personality
The Enneagram of Personality
You've probably noticed how the Enneagram is all the rage these days. Well, there's a good reason for that. It's like having a roadmap to understanding yourself and others, diving deep into what makes us tick. It not only helps you grow personally but improves both your intimate and professional relationships.
The Enneagram stands out for its profound and detailed approach to understanding personality dynamics, offering a rich perspective on motivations, beliefs and behaviours. Its popularity extends beyond personal growth enthusiasts; it's widely embraced in corporate settings, psychology, and various spiritual practices.
The Enneagram is an archetypal framework in which there are 9 core personality types, each with 3 sub-types, giving us 27 distinct character structures to work with. Louise was first introduced to the Enneagram in 2009 and has studied with one of the system’s originators, Claudio Naranjo in his SAT programme.
This knowledge has been instrumental in developing her in depth understanding of the psyche and in her own personal growth. Drawing on its insights, Louise is able to quickly guide you to the core issues and chart a pathway for growth.
We use the IEQ9 assessment tool as a starting point, as it is highly accurate in assessing core type. The tool does not box people in,
but rather opens a pathway to self-discovery and greater personal awareness. As an accredited IEQ9 coach and facilitator, Louise
will help you make sense of your in depth report and use it as a tool for professional, personal and spiritual development
Benefits of working with the Enneagram and IEQ9 report:
- Creates meta-awareness at the level of motivation
- Increases consciousness and confidence
- Enables clearing of core emotional issues
- Provides a framework for understanding functional and dysfunctional behaviours that stem from core motivations
- Increases compassion for self and others
- Uncovers pathways to development and integration
- Positions individual patterns and behaviours within current and historical context
- Increases productivity and motivation
- Creates a language and sense-making framework that stretches deeper than a personality trait-based approach
- Builds leadership authenticity, potency and impact
01 Strict Perfectionist
- Strong sense of right and wrong
- Precise and detail orientated
- Value integrity, are responsible and self-reliant
- Self controlled, suppresses needs and desires
- Appreciates standards and structure
- Strives to improve self or others
- Overly critical and pedantic
- Perfectionistic, condescending, judgmental, uncompromising
02 Considerate Helper
- Want to be liked and approved of by others
- Empathetic, friendly and relationship orientated
- Provide advice and support, sensitive to others
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Interfering and manipulative
- Sudden and intense emotional outbursts
- Give to get, sense of entitlement
- Neglect own needs
03 Competitive Achiever
- Ambitious, seek to be the best
- Charismatic, personable and energetic
- Driven, efficient, goal orientated
- Self-deceptive, adapt persona to suit environment
- Identify with their achievements and image
- Exaggerate, self promoting, look good
- Workaholics, rushed, cut corners, ignore rule
- Dismissive, impatient, tune out emotions to get job done
04 Intense Creative
- Intuitive, creative, imaginative
- Think outside the box, truth tellers
- Deeply feeling and tuned into emotions
- Purpose driven, authentic and introspective
- Romantic, aesthetically orientated
- Overly dramatic, moody and melancholic
- Self absorbed and focus on what is missing
- Too sensitive and impractical
05 Quiet Specialist
- Seek knowledge
- Accumulate data, facts and expertise
- Rational, calm, self-sufficient
- Innovative, systematic, thoughtful
- Resourceful, objective
- Hoard resources and avoid strong feelings
- Scarcity mindset
- May appear cold, distant or socially awkward, focus on privacy
06 Loyal Skeptic
- Focused on security, very well prepared
- Prudent, analytical, excellent problem solvers
- Loyal, dutiful, diligent
- Warm and friendly
- Anxious, pessimistic, analysis paralysis
- Worst case scenario thinking, vigilant
- Suspicious and doubting
- Either avoid risks or take extreme risks
07 Enthusiastic Visionary
- Optimistic, open minded
- Creative, innovative, helpful
- Fun, upbeat and entertaining
- Impulsive, can’t say no
- Trouble completing projects
- Dislike repetitive tasks, boredom
- Tune out negativity and reframe
- Live in future plans, repeat mistakes
08 Active Controller
- Powerful leaders, direct, self reliant
- Decisive, assertive, intense
- Action orientated, determined
- Take charge in a crisis
- Protective, value fairness and justice, good instincts
- Overly blunt and insensitive, break rules
- Bossy, aggressive and confrontational
- Defensive, intimidating, power hungry
09 Adaptive Peacmaker
- Good mediators and diplomatic
- See big picture, optimistic
- Accommodating, easygoing, calm and accepting
- Patient, supportive, fair, steadfast
- Overly accomodating, fear conflict
- Procrastinate, indecisive, stubborn
- Resistant to change
- Focus on inessentials
Discover your Enneagram type and incorporate the wisdom of the enneagram into your coaching package or book a standalone enneagram assessment session.
Learn more about this offering by booking a free call with Louise